Title: A Brief History of Blood and Lymphatic Vessels | Author(s): Andreas Bikfalvi |Publisher: Springer | Year: 2017 | Edition: 1st ed. | Language: English | Pages : 192 | ISBN: 978-3-319-74375-2, 978-3-319-74376-9 | Size: 5 MB | Extension: pdf
This book provides a comprehensive account of vascular biology and pathology and its significance for health and disease. It systematically and chronologically explains how we came to our current understanding of the vasculature and it´s function today, and describes in an entertaining way the diverse flaws and turns in science and medicine from the past. It thereby offers a complete and well-studied history on vascular biology and medicine. The book has an easy-to-read style and is written for students as well as scientists, physicians and lecturers in the field of biomedicine, human physiology, cardiology and hematology.
Title: Drosophila Models for Human Diseases | Author(s): Masamitsu Yamaguchi | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2018 | Edition: 1st ed. | Language: English | Pages: 314 | ISBN: 978-981-13-0528-3, 978-981-13-0529-0 | Size: 11 MB | Extension: pdf
Most biological pathways, physical and neurological properties are highly conserved between humans and Drosophila and nearly 75% of human disease-causing genes have a functional homologue in Drosophila. This volume provides recent advances in Drosophila models for various human diseases, with each chapter providing a review of studies involving Drosophila models, as well as detailed protocols commonly used in laboratories. Starting with a review of Drosophila’s value as a highly tractable model organism for studying human diseases, subsequent chapters present Drosophila models for specific human diseases. The book provides a useful resource for all scientists who are starting to use the Drosophila model in their studies, and for researchers working in the pharmaceutical industry and using new screening models to develop new medicines for various diseases.
Title: HIV Vaccines and Cure | Author(s): Linqi Zhang, Sharon R. Lewin | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2018 | Edition: 1st ed. | Language: English | Pages : 325 | ISBN: 978-981-13-0483-5, 978-981-13-0484-2 | Size: 6 MB | Extension: pdf
This book provides a comprehensive review of the major barriers to HIV cure and vaccine. It covers the fundamental virology and immunology leading to HIV transmission, protection from infection and long term HIV persistence on antiretroviral therapy. In addition, strategies being tested to eliminate persistent HIV and the rational design of vaccines to induce protective immunity are covered. This book also discusses the challenges related to the design of clinical trials for testing the safety and efficacy of these innovative approaches. This book will provide a systematic overview and also discuss controversial issues for researchers in virology and immunology, as well as practicing physicians, and scientists in the pharmaceutical industry.
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